Home Theatre Articles (Page 1 of 2)

Home Theatre Room Acoustics

Date 9th November 2021 Category Home Theatre   

Regardless of the brand or how much you spend on the quality of the AV equipment for your dedicated home cinema or lounge room home theatre - one of the most significant performance limitations of the AV system - is the very room itself.

The reasons for this are actually quite simple.

Transparent Projection Screen Setup

Date 1st April 2011 Category Home Theatre   

Sound-Stage as Hollywood Intended It. Unlike a solid projection screen, acoustically transparent screens allow speakers to be placed directly behind it. 

Do I need a curved screen?

Date 1st April 2011 Category Home Theatre   

A curved screen will not improve your projected image or brightness. However, a curved screen will help correct distortion caused from an anamorphic lens.

What size screen should I use in my home theatre?

Date 1st April 2011 Category Home Theatre   

There are allot of rules out there specifying how big a screen should be from seating distance. Allot of this has changed over the past few years with higher resolution projectors now on the market.

Are solid projection screens better than transperant?

Date 1st April 2011 Category Home Theatre   

A Huge misconception people have on Audio Transparent projection screens are related to the perforated audio transparent screens of the past.